The Masonic Philosophy
"Freemasonry is a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols." This is in a gist, the Masonic Philosophy as presented to every brother in a Lodge. Masonry uses allegories and symbols to encourage each member of the organization find the most about themselves. This philosophy instigates withing each member the opportunity to become a better man.
Masonry espouses many various philosophies as a person studies deeper and further in the fraternity. But each philosophy fits neatly underneath the umbrella of Masonry's "Core/Principle Tenets"-Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. The reason that these three tenets are referred to as the Core or Principle Tenets of the institution is because every other tenet or idea that is held in veneration by the organization can be a categorized underneath these three. "These virtues are illustrated, and their practice recommended to the aspirant, at every step of his progress; and the instruction, though continually varied in its mode, is so constantly repeated, as infallibly to impress upon his mind their absolute necessity in the constitution of a good Freemason." -Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
Masonry espouses many various philosophies as a person studies deeper and further in the fraternity. But each philosophy fits neatly underneath the umbrella of Masonry's "Core/Principle Tenets"-Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. The reason that these three tenets are referred to as the Core or Principle Tenets of the institution is because every other tenet or idea that is held in veneration by the organization can be a categorized underneath these three. "These virtues are illustrated, and their practice recommended to the aspirant, at every step of his progress; and the instruction, though continually varied in its mode, is so constantly repeated, as infallibly to impress upon his mind their absolute necessity in the constitution of a good Freemason." -Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
Brotherly Love
"Brotherly Love might very well be supposed to be an ingredient in the organization of a society so peculiarly constituted as that of Freemasonry. But the Brotherly Love which we inculcate is not a mere abstraction, nor is its character left to any general and careless understanding of the candidate, who might disposed to give much or little of it to his Brethren , according to the peculiar constitution of his own mind, or the extent of his own generous or selfish feelings. It is, on the contrary, closely defined; its object plainly denoted; and the very mode and manner of its practice detailed in words, and illustrated by symbols, so as to give neither cause for error nor apology for indifference." - Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
Masonry encourages men of various settings in life; religion, profession, economic status, etc, to join together in lodge and have the opportunity to look past those things that might keep these men at a perpetual distance and unites them as brethren. This unity spurs each Mason to stretch forth their hands to help another, go out of their way to assist a brother, encourage each brother to be the best possible, and remember them always, not as another man, but as a brother.
Masonry encourages men of various settings in life; religion, profession, economic status, etc, to join together in lodge and have the opportunity to look past those things that might keep these men at a perpetual distance and unites them as brethren. This unity spurs each Mason to stretch forth their hands to help another, go out of their way to assist a brother, encourage each brother to be the best possible, and remember them always, not as another man, but as a brother.
"To relieve the distressed is a duty incumbent on all men, but particularly on Freemasons, who are linked together by an indissoluble chain of sincere affection. To soothe the unhappy, to sympathize with their misfortunes, to compassionate their miseries, and to restore peace to their troubled minds, is the great aim we have in view. On this basis we form our friendships and establish our connections." -Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
Masonry supports and builds charities that have changed the world; Shriner's Hospital for Children, The Scottish Rite Children Learning Center, The Royal Arch Research Assistance, The Knight's Templar Eye Foundation. All of these charities have changed lives for the better for years. But more importantly, each Mason is encouraged to give relief wherever it is possible; giving a ride to a brother or friend who is having car trouble, stopping and helping someone who has a flat tire on the side of the road, or just giving some time and energy to someone who needs a little bit of help.
Masonry supports and builds charities that have changed the world; Shriner's Hospital for Children, The Scottish Rite Children Learning Center, The Royal Arch Research Assistance, The Knight's Templar Eye Foundation. All of these charities have changed lives for the better for years. But more importantly, each Mason is encouraged to give relief wherever it is possible; giving a ride to a brother or friend who is having car trouble, stopping and helping someone who has a flat tire on the side of the road, or just giving some time and energy to someone who needs a little bit of help.
"In that connection, Truth, which is called a "Divine Attribute, the foundation of every virtue," is synonymous with sincerity, honesty of expression, and plain dealing." - Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
"Truth is one of the three principal tenets of our order, Brotherly Love and Relief being the other two. To be "true and trusty" is one of the first lessons in which the aspirant is instructed. All other things are mortal and transitory, but truth alone is immutable and eternal; it is the attribute of Him in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of changing."
-Lexicon of Freemasonry
Masonry teaches each member that there is a Truth that exists in the world, that it is constant and unchanging and that it is the duty of each Mason to search for that Truth. It does not dictate or tell what each member must believe as the Truth, but rouses each member to discover the Truth for themselves.
"Truth is one of the three principal tenets of our order, Brotherly Love and Relief being the other two. To be "true and trusty" is one of the first lessons in which the aspirant is instructed. All other things are mortal and transitory, but truth alone is immutable and eternal; it is the attribute of Him in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of changing."
-Lexicon of Freemasonry
Masonry teaches each member that there is a Truth that exists in the world, that it is constant and unchanging and that it is the duty of each Mason to search for that Truth. It does not dictate or tell what each member must believe as the Truth, but rouses each member to discover the Truth for themselves.